Family Resources Overview

Supporting parents and caregivers in helping their struggling readers and English language learners become successful readers


 An informed parent, given resources and tools, can be a primary source of reading intervention for their children.

Learn how to support your struggling reader.

RISE Parent Meeting

Shantell Barrett Blake shares her experiences identifying and working with struggling readers


How I found the approach that I share with you, was attending a similar meeting. I had a struggling reader between first and second grade that led me to the method I now share with you.

Shantell Barrett Blake


Parent Webinar with Literacy Specialist Laura Axtell

Your Child’s Best Advocate:

Parent Webinar with Mary Beth Gilliland


 Reading Method Overview


The method taught in the RISE Reading Workshop aligns nicely with The Science of Reading.


 Resource Library

“The more you read, the more you know, the more places you’ll go. ”

— Dr. Seuss

“Literacy is… the road of human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.”

-Kofi Annan

Dyslexia Resources

“Reading disability affects approximately one in five children”

-Dr. Sally Shaywitz


“Literacy is one of the greatest gifts a person could receive.” 

-Jen Selinsky

“If a child memorizes ten words, the child can only read ten words, but if the child learns the sounds of ten letters, the child will be able to read 350 three-sound words, 4,320 four-sound words, 21,650 five-sound words.”

- Kozloff, 2002